Surgical stimulation of regeneration and intensification of revascularisation of bone tissue in case of perthes disease (PD)

  • N. M, Kulikov Krasnoyarsk Municipal clinic № 20 named after I.S. Berzon Krasnoyarsk, Russia
  • V. A. Dudarev Krasnoyarsk Municipal clinic № 20 named after I.S. Berzon Krasnoyarsk, Russia
  • V. P. Sinyuk Krasnoyarsk Municipal clinic № 20 named after I.S. Berzon Krasnoyarsk, Russia
  • S. V. Kirpichev Krasnoyarsk Municipal clinic № 20 named after I.S. Berzon Krasnoyarsk, Russia
  • I. V. Kirgizov Krasnoyarsk Municipal clinic № 20 named after I.S. Berzon Krasnoyarsk, Russia


The purpose of the following research is to evaluate the efficiency of the suggested operative treatment. The examination of 61 children and the operative treatment of 36 children with Perthes disease using the method of damper dynamic unloading; the operative treatment of 25 children according to the method of intensive revascularisation. The suggested methods allow to restore an efficient blood circulation in the affected zone in the shortest period of time and to begin rehabilitation of children.
Как цитировать
Kulikov, N., Dudarev, V., Sinyuk, V., Kirpichev, S., & Kirgizov, I. (2007). Surgical stimulation of regeneration and intensification of revascularisation of bone tissue in case of perthes disease (PD). Bulletin of the International Scientific Surgical Association, 2(1), 64-65. извлечено от
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